"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."

Japanese proverb

For Leaders

What is Your Leadership Compass?

A vision is like a compass whose needle always points to the north star, no matter where you are. Consciously designing this inner vision for your mission and leadership helps you develop sustainable strategies, communicate effectively and win people over – even during complex processes of change.

Coaching can help you clarify your compass and get to the next level of leadership.

Typical questions my clients bring to our coaching sessions

What's your leadership question?

What I Offer

In our first conversation, we explore your themes and clarify the goal for your coaching. Then we design a coaching format that fits you and your issue. Meetings can take place online, in person, by the hour, or in longer sessions – until you reach your desired next level.

Swaan Barrett Live: Coaching with Artworks

At the European Bildung Day 2020, Swaan Barrett explains how timeless artworks are integrated into coachings based on the Symbolon®Methode.

Learn more about the Symbolon®-Methode here

What clients say

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