New Pathways for Leaders  
and Teams

Realize visionary leadership and sustainable strategies
in times of change and transformation


 Leading from the future

In the beginning, there was a vision .... and then it meets with reality.
It's a long road and a great challenge. That's what makes it so exciting!

An inspiring vision is like a compass, where the magnetic needle points in the direction of the goal - from where you stand now. Visionary leaders orient themselves in the here and now based on their vision.

Visionaries need networks and alliances with like-minded pioneers to safeguard accomplishments and prepare the way for the next phase. Thus, the vision is nurtured, can grow deeper roots and fully unfold.

Coaching for visionary leaders

Visions connect people and teams, inspiring concerted and joint action.
The tension between vision and reality is the stuff,
from which innovations and concrete strategies are born.

I facilitate your process from the first idea all the way to its realization
with proven methodologies.

Visionaries need inspiring images to ignite others.

Using images, potentials and visions can become visible and unfold themselves through conscious action.

The Symbolon® method offers you a selected collection of famous artworks as a mirror for self-reflection.

You expand your view for what is possible and develop a richer language based on new inner images.

To learn more, go here:
New Perspectives and Potentials


Swaan Barrett live on Coaching with Artworks

At the European Bildung Day, Swaan Barrett demonstrates
how she uses the Symbolon® Method for coaching with timeless works of art.

"My entrepreneurial challenge is to manage growth and transform the company with its management team for handing over to the next generation. Swaan Barrett’s highly professional facilitation of this change process is a key factor for us. My personal learning when diving into the images and paintings of the Symbolon-Profile: deep insights into my own thought patterns, uplifting aha moments, incredibly valuable realizations through reflection. The result: an increasingly clearer view of possible future scenarios for our company and myself. Chapeau and Thanks, dear Swaan Barrett!"

Brigitte Kaltwasser, Owner
Kaltwasser Kommunikation

”Leadership coaching with Swaan Barrett made me aware of my previously unseen talents and leadership qualities. Using effective questions and interesting tools, she gained access to my blocks and uncovered issues so that I was able to overcome old complexes. Now I am completely focused on my professional development and career. This was really great work. Thank you!”

K. K., Berlin


Where are you with your vision?

Let's explore together in an initial conversation!